Thursday, 8 May 2008

Zaka Aman,Choir Leader and Vocal Trainer

Hi Judy, to the Welsh Arts Council:
How often can you say about an event or a time in your life that it has truly changed the path that you were goin?Giving Voice organised by CPR has done that for me. Through attending courses at CPR I became a choir leader. I have been leading a choir in Leeds, and rehearsals, workshops and seminars for choirs around the world since being inspired at CPR. CPR has given me a second career through its courses. One that enabled me to affect lots of people's lives positively, creatively and lovingly. I find it incomprehensible that an extremely creative, profoundly educational, positively life-changing, and nationally and internationally highly acclaimed Welsh organisation could have its funding withdrawn by its own council. Courses at CPR are attended by people from all over Europe, in fact the whole world. For the international art world CPR is one of the institutions that puts Wales on the map! Why would Wales NOT support that? I think it should. It would be worth it. For Wales and its reputation as the home of ground-breaking artistic activity.
Zaka Aman,Choir Leader and Vocal Trainer

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