Monday 31 March 2008

Antonia Cowan

Dear CPR,

I am horrified to learn that the Arts Council of Wales is proposing to cut your funding. That would seem to me to be an act of gross philistinism and short-sightedness. What else could possibly give Wales such world-wide importance.

I have only been on one of your wonderful ‘Giving Voice’ events, but I’ve met people who have been on others and have been equally enthusiastic. I have been on many other music courses of various sorts over the years, but the Aberystwyth one on chant and other religious music from all over the world was by far the most exciting, educative and enriching week of my life!

You always seem able to attract the cream of the cream of educators and performers in their various fields, and it is a privilege and an inspiration not only to attend their performances but to sit and learn alongside them when they come to learn from each others’ workshops.

Obviously it must cost a huge amount to bring together the most expert teachers and top performers from all over the world, and I don’t see how they could possibly continue without the subsidy that has enabled you to set up this world centre of excellence.
It would be a devastating loss to thousands of your students, and to Wales itself, if the proposed cut were really to go ahead. But it seems so unthinkable, I hope it won’t happen.

With Best Wishes,
Antonia Cowan

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