Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Eleonora Gimenez - Circus Artist, Dancer and Anthropologist, Argentina

Judie Christie,

Mi Trabajo como artista de circo, bailarina y antropologa en la ciudad de Paris desde hace dos anios.

Estas lineas intentan brindar mi mas profundo apoyo al pedido de prolongacion de ayuda economica para el CPR – Centre for Performance Research destacando la enorme importancia que este centro ha tenido para mi formacion y para la de muchos artistas y/o estudiosos de las artes del hombre.

Estoy a vuestra dispocicion en este justo y genuino reclamo.
Saluda cordial y afectuosamente

Eleonora Gimenez

I have been working a as a circus artist, a dancer and an anthropologist in the city of Paris for two years.

These lines are attempting to offer my deepest support for the prolongation revenue funding for the CPR – I want to emphasize the Centre for Performance Research has had an enormous importance for my development and that of many artists and/or students of the human arts.

I remain at your disposal to assist you in your just appeal.

Warm regards

Eleonora Gimenez, Argentina

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