Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Kevin Lewis - Artistic Director, Theatr Iolo, Wales

Dear Judie and Richard,

I was shocked and saddened to hear that the Arts Council of Wales intends to with draw funding from CPR. Since coming to Wales in 1981 as an actor and then Artistic Director with Theatr Clwyd Outreach and Theatr Iolo, I have attended countless performances, workshops, conferences, and seminars organised by CPR. As a key component of the training policy of Theatr Iolo and Outreach Theatre I have also encouraged and funded performers, designers and directors working with me to attend performances and workshops as well. We have returned from such events reinvigorated , our horizons expanded and with inspiration and energy ready to start on the long journey of creating new work. I believe very strongly that the work of CPR has had a massive impact on the work created by myself and my colleagues both in Outreach and Theatr Iolo. Theatre making cannot happen in a vacuum - we need influences, inspiration and practical assistance to develop as individual artists and as companies - CPR as an organisation facilitates all of this and allows us to connect with developments in theatre and performance throughout the world.

If CPR does indeed have its revenue funding withdrawn and its future is thrown into jeopardy it will be a huge loss to those of us who value such inspirational and cutting edge influences on our work. As a young theatre artist working in Wales in the 1980's CPR was an artistic lifeline and has continued to be up to the present day. I would very much hope that an emergent theatre artist starting to make work in Wales in the early part of the 21st Century will still be able to use CPR as one of their artistic lifelines.

Yours sincerely

Kevin Lewis (Artistic Director Theatr Iolo)

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