Monday, 3 March 2008

Louise Ritchie and Gareth Llyr - Performance Makers, Wales

Dear Judie and Richard,

We are writing to express out dismay and disappointment at the Arts Council of Wales' decision to withdraw revenue funding from the CPR. As young and aspiring practitioners, the support that we have been given by the CPR has been immense and we are sure that we speak for many when we say that by placing the CPR at an unwarranted risk of closure, the ACW's decision will be greatly detrimental to the development, education and training of other young performers, both in Wales and internationally.

The CPR has provided us with numerous valued experiences, both as performers and students; workshops, seminars, use of the unrivalled Resource Centre, and several performance opportunities.
Throughout the course of our affiliation with the CPR, first as students and now as Associate Artists and aspiring professional performance makers, the CPR has been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration.

It is unfortunate to think that others might be deprived of the experiences and support that we have been given, and the ACW is making a grave mistake by now allowing the CPR to continue your work. We wish you the best of luck with your appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Louise Ritchie and Gareth Llyr

Performance Makers, Wales

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