Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Lucy Gough - Playwright, Aberystwyth

To: The Arts Council of Wales

As a playwright resident in Aberystwyth I am writing in support of the Centre of Performance Research. Over the years I have attended many stimulating lectures, symposiums, and performances arranged by CPR.

It is only when one is faced with the possibility of losing something that one realises what would be lost. To this end I would be very sorry if we were to lose the rich cultural diversity and intellectual rigour they bring to the world of performance and to Aberystwyth.

A culture thrives on diversity of knowledge and experience, if we lost CPR we would lose something unique and important.

Their presence here also enhances and nurtures international fertilisation.

I have always been an advocate of community theatre and more traditional theatre and I stand by those, but if we are to continue developing and discovering performance in its widest sense the work that CPR do is an essential and unique part of that.
So please reconsider you decision.

Yours Sincerely

Lucy Gough
Playwright, Aberystwyth

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