Friday, 29 February 2008

Ashley Wallington - Tutor in Performance, Coleg Ceredigion

Dear Judie,

Short-sighted, ludicrous and downright contemptible. These are just a few of the words that come to mind in response to ACW's decision.

Having personally worked for many years supporting young people in investigating performance and finding their own voice, CPR has always provided us with invaluable support.

How many 16 -18 year olds can boast of having worked with countless key international practitioners (particularly 16-18 year olds who have grown up in a rural setting)? CPR has always provided many of our students (and ourselves) with incredible inspiration.

Just today, one of our theatre students expressed ' if CPR are not here, I'm going to undertake the next stage of my training outside of Wales'. Surely this speaks for itself.

Best wishes with the appeal.

Ashley Wallington
Tutor in Performance
Coleg Ceredigion

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