Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Berith Lochery - Touring Manager, Wales

Dear Judie and Richard,

I meant to write much sooner.

The Arts Council of Wales decision to cut your revenue funding has left me absolutely shocked and deeply sadden. In light of ACW’s recent drama strategy publications, it seems to highlight how far removed council has become in understanding performing arts in Wales. In fact, when was the last time your lead officer actually attended a CPR meeting or event? To expect CPR to operate on a “project by project” basis is not only completely unrealistic but will seriously jeopardize CPR’s core operations. How can ACW claim to support” innovative and interdisciplinary practice in the Theatre” when they choose to close a door on an organisation that has defined and challenged innovative theatre practice for decades and continues to do so today and does it in WALES! How can ACW expect to drive an exciting collaborative English National Language Theatre forward for Wales when it doesn’t “tap into” resources of imminent skill and expertise on its doorstep.

CPR’s ability to nurture and foster talents from within Wales as well as provide an international platform for performance is something that there is precious little of in Wales and yet remains high on ACW’s agenda. CPR is a vital resource; not only for established national and international performers but offers access on all levels through pioneering training regardless of age, race or language and gender.

I strongly believe that CPR is a very important part of our Theatre Ecology in Wales. CPR must not “disappear…down the plughole of the diminishing project funding pots”. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

Words fail me.

Best Best Wishes,
Berith Lochery
Touring Manager, Wales

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