Tuesday, 26 February 2008

J Michael Walton - Emeritus Professor of Drama, University of Hull

Dear Richard

I read with dismay about the proposed cut to your budget and write to offer my support.

As you may or may not know, I was part of both the Revenue and the Project Funding Advisory Panels for the Arts Council of England for about twelve years from the late 1980s, writing nearly 100 reports for them. I suspect that the relationship between the two panels in Wales will be similar to what it used to be in England, so I think I am aware of the implications for your work of such a change of status.

The range of your artistic achievement at Aber has no parallel in Britain and has established your Centre as a place of international repute of which Wales can be, and ought to be, justly proud. The time I was invited to contribute to the Past Masters series on Appia and Craig I count as one of the most exciting occasions - I can think of no better word to describe it - that I have attended in Europe or America. To diminish such creativity seems to me an act of artistic vandalism for which I can see no possible justification.

The proposed cuts at the Arts Council of England were difficult to comprehend, but at least some threatened organisations have found their arguments listened to and have gained a reprieve on appeal. I very much hope you will be similarly heard.

I will keep this short. I don't need a reply. I'm sure you have far better things to do with
your time. If you wish to pass on anything I have said to the powers that be, please do so.

My warmest best wishes to you all


J Michael Walton
Emeritus Professor of Drama
University of Hull

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